Short EUR/USD @ 1.3240 (SL @ 1.3256) – Stopped Out (-16 bps)

Initiating small Euro short here...  worth the risk / rewardWas stopped out on the top tick, bugger. The reversal lower following the marginal new high suggests the top may be in so I'll look for another opportunity to short... EUR/USD 60m

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Short GBP/USD @ 1.5360 (SL @ 1.5394) – Stopped myself out for Break-even (will look to re-establish when count clears up)

Initiating small GBP short here... will add on confirmation of 5 downStopped myself out at Breakeven - I didn't like the structure of the decline. Time to reassess. Looks like it needs another new high... GBP/USD 60m

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Market Update: July 24th, 2013 – Getting close

The US equity markets provided a little hope for the bears last night. The potential completion of the ES ending diagonal we were watching and a nice small 5 waves down from the SPX high. The ENQ provided another 5 waves down to match the decline from the highs last week giving us clear points […]

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Equities Update: July 23rd, 2013 – Are we there yet?

This 5th wave rally in US equity markets has achieved its minimum objective with an all-time-high. The ES looks as though it is completing an ending diagonal 5th wave which should be fully retraced (credit goes to one of our contributors on the Deepwaveanalytics Forum who goes by the name of BenedictArnold who spotted this […]

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Market Update: July 23rd 2013 – Time to play devil’s advocate on the US$

Now that my post-vacation haze is clearing, it's time for me to play devil's advocate on my strong US$ thesis... I have spent some time reviewing long term US$ charts to gain a clearer understanding of where we are in the bigger picture.DXI weekly clearly shows the choppy overlapping nature of the US$ rise from […]

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