Market Update: July 22nd, 2013 – Pamplona, Running of the Bulls

Well, I didn't go to Spain on vacation but maybe I should have, to see the running of the bulls. My caution regarding the bearish case was well warranted with a break above my bearish "line of demarcation" of SPX 1654.19 as posted in my July 1st Update. With new all-time-highs in US equity markets, we […]

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Closed remainder of short Euro @ 1.2936

Closed short from 1.3060 + 124 pipsConcerned about USD turning down against the Yen and down against the GBP impulsively. I am a believer in corolated markets and there are too many warning signs that the US$ may be turning down now. If in doubt, GET OUT!Timing is everything... GBP/USD after I posted the decline […]

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Taking Partial Profits

Taking partial profits here - Covered half ES shorts @ 1604 (Short from 1616.50 + 12.5 pts); Covered half EUR/USD shorts @ 1.2972 (Short from 1.3060 + 88 pips). Will let rest run with SL's below BENeed to stick to my trading rule of "always take profits"There is an argument to suggest that the decline […]

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I’m off for two weeks vacation!

I'm off for vacation for 2 weeks tomorrow, so I'll keep this update short.Equities started strongly but faded away during the afternoon, rejected by the 50 day sma once again. I managed to get short ESU3 at 1616.50 (SL @ 1621) and the ES declined in 5 waves to complete (c) down with new highs […]

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