MCP Market Update: April 16th, 2018 – Risk Inflection Point

Following on from last week's interim update, neither the bulls nor bears have proven anything yet as we continue to wedge higher. We have not yet seen an impulsive decline to confirm a bearish reversal. All setups and structures remain unchanged. This update is an extension of what I posted on Thursday. Remember NO MAJOR SUPPORT […]

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Risk Inflection Point

We are now approaching a near term risk inflection point for global markets (for the bear case highlighted last week). The key equity markets appear to be in the process of completing an ending diagonal wave (c) which should lead to a bearish reversal on Friday or early next week. We have already entered the […]

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DXY update

We continue to track the evolving 4th wave triangle in the DXY. As we look for wave (d) and (e) to complete, this should set up a sharp move lower for the US$ - We are looking at this as an important inflection point for commodities and rates as we expect this final decline to […]

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We continue to track the USDJPY for a near term top. IF this count is correct we should have one more final push higher towards our 108 target where we should see a reversal lower. Trade above 108.50 likely means this structure is wrong (as wave iii would be the shortest wave which is not […]

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Crude Oil / Brent Crude

CL and Brent have both tagged initial upside targets where we would look for a turn lower - The Brent chart shows a cleaner a-b-c retracement of equality after the initial decline.

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