MCP Market Update: March 18th, 2024 – Grind continues

Last week, equities traded sideways in what appears to be a corrective consolidation (so far). There is no strong evidence of a bearish reversal or trend exhaustion despite increasingly bearish momentum divergence. The stronger than expected CPI and PPI caused rates to rise across the board stalling the equity market's rally without the confirmation of […]

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MCP Market Update: March 11th, 2024 – CPI on deck

Last week, equities extended higher with what appears to be an overlapping ending diagonal with increasingly bearish momentum divergence. While there is no confirmation of a tradable top, there are warning signs as the semiconductors reversed sharply lower on Friday - when the leaders fall we need to take notice. The question is whether this […]

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MCP Market Update: March 4th, 2024 – Pamplona, running of the bulls

Last week, equity markets continued to rally in what appears to be a subdividing 5th wave of multiple degrees. The running of the bulls continues while we continue to see impulsive rallies and corrective declines - despite increasing momentum divergence, there is NO evidence of trend exhaustion or a tradable top. Bulls remain in control […]

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MCP Market Update: February 26th, 2024 – Bulls extend

Last week, equities rallied to new ATH's to extend the sequence of higher highs and higher lows as the daily RSI continues to compress. The question is how long and how far this rally can extend? While we continue to see impulsive rallies and corrective declines the bulls remain in control. We are however alert […]

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MCP Market Update: February 19th, 2024 – RSI Compression

Last week, equities pushed to marginal new highs before reversing sharply lower post-CPI on sticky inflation data. Equities appear to be wedging into ATH's on deteriorating momentum while holding near term trend channel support. The RSI compression continues to tighten but bears need to see downside follow through this week to break the bull trend […]

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